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Manager Insights App

In this guide, we will detail the steps to setting up and using the ePOS Hybrid Manager Insights App.


In order to set up the Manager Insights App, please download the app from the Google Play Store at the following link: 



Once you open the app, the below screen will show:


The first login field requires you to enter the APP Key. The APP Key is your Restaurant Auth. Code, which is available from your Admin Panel.

To access the Admin Panel, log in at https://www.eposhybrid.uk/ or via your ePOS Hybrid Operator App.

Once logged in, select Restaurant Setup, followed by Setup.

The six-character Restaurant Auth. Code will be listed on the right-hand side of this screen (example screenshot below).


After obtaining the Restaurant Auth. Code, enter this code into the APP Key field on the Manager Insights App. 

The next step is to enter your Password - this is the same password used to log into your Admin Panel.

Once you have entered both the App Key and Password, the below Digital Passcode screen will appear. You now have the option to choose a Four-Digit Security Code, which will allow you to log into the Manager Insights App in future without having to repeatedly enter your password - this feature is entirely optional.



After successfully logging into the Manager Insights App you will see the below Dashboard screen.


This screen provides a similar function to the Dashboard page when you log into your Admin Panel, showing an overview of the day’s Sales Performance, Menu, Servicewise & App Sales and Settlements (Card/Cash/3rd Party).

To access additional features within the Manager Insights App, tap the three horizontal lines on the top right corner of the screen to open up the available options.


Once you have the menu section available, tap the relevant option.

The Items Management screen allows you to view your active menu items, filter by item category, change the price and also allow you to deactivate any menu items you wish to remove from sale.

Use the All dropdown menu to filter item categories, or the search bar to find specific items in your menu.



To update the item’s Price, tap the name of the item, enter the new price then tap Update. To remove a menu item from sale without deleting it entirely, tap the Tick toggle option on the right to change the item’s status. After making any changes, ensure you select Refresh App in the Extras section of your ePOS Hybrid Operator App to update the POS terminal with your changes.

The Promotions tab allows you to update the pricing of your promotions and also allows you to deactivate them if required. Use the dropdown option next to the Search tab to filter all promotions. 


To update the Price of your promotions, tap the name of the promotion, enter the updated price and tap Update to make the necessary change. To remove a promotion without deleting it entirely, tap the Tick toggle option on the right to change the item’s status. After making any changes, ensure you select Refresh App in the Extras section of your ePOS Hybrid Operator App to update the POS terminal with your changes.

The Staff Management tab will display your active staff working on the day, your rota and list your staff in full.

If you use the Table Management functionality, the Table Management tab will list the actively Occupied Tables and display the currently Reserved Tables with a date search option.

The App Management tab will display your devices and allow you to update Device Codes by tapping on the name of the device, typing the new code and tapping Update.


To update your Security Code, select the Manage Security Code option.


To update your Security Code, firstly enter the original code, followed by the new code plus a confirmation. Once complete, tap Update Code to update your Security Code.
Finally, the Theme Toggle option will switch between Light and Dark Mode, and the Logout option will log you out of the Manager Insights App.


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